Welcome to Piecing Life Together...

First off I'd like to thank you for taking the time to visit this blog. I decided to start this blog as a way to work through all the changes and excitement that has been going on in my life, and hopefully connect with others who are interested in sharing their experiences with things like hiking, frugal living, simple living, disaster preparedness and self sufficiency. Sit down a spell, read a little, and enjoy a moment or two with us here... maybe you'll add a little piece of yourself to share with us in a comment. Blessings to you all.


Monday, November 22, 2010

A little relaxation finally...

Well, for the first weekend in I don't know how long, I actually had a chance to relax.  This fall has been filled with lots of little worries and questions marks.  My dad's heart problems, my partner's heart attack, paying off doctor bills and getting new ones, leaky pipes, squeaky old floors, rising heating bills and the like... it's just been a season of worries in our household and I'm not a big fan of worry.  So for the first time in what feels like ages, I was able to sit back and relax a bit on my extended weekend.  I did manage to get some of the housework done that was starting to back up from the wonderfully crazy work schedules I've been managing in order to reduce our childcare costs, but overall I relaxed.  And best yet, I got a call from my dad about his recent doctor visits and tests, and we finally got some good news... NO SURGERY!  At least not right now.  The doctor said that he had sufficient blood flow for someone his age and what not, and though he did want to keep an eye on him and run tests to monitor his heart and blood flow, he didn't believe surgery was the best option right now.  I'm so thankful of that.  :)  I needed some good news like that.  My partner's been fine since his heart attach back in September, but we will have to go back for a second cath and fourth stint soon which means another week or so off work.  The fourth stint seems more precautionary, which is less stressful to think about, though we're just getting our portion of the first cath and stints from the hospital and the numbers are still... intimidating.  I've been working to pay off our higher interest debts and the new bills are hard to swallow since I know it just means it will take us that much longer to get our debts paid off and gone... and more discouraging, that puts off us buying a home.  But we can do it... patience Michelle, patience.

Speaking of bills, we came very close to adding to our grocery bills over the weekend.  Will taking the oldest on a hike at East Lynn Lake we came across an abandoned dog.  A sweet, friendly, adorable mute with a lot of chow like features and a swelling belly of pups.  She followed us around the whole hike once she spotted us and had we had a fenced yard or room indoors for her, I am almost positive she would have been coming home with us.  Not that we need more mouths to feed or vet bills, but we've been dreaming of our own home, a little more (and better organized) space, and animals... dogs, chickens, maybe even some goats or pigs eventually.  Such a sweet dog would have fit in perfectly with the dream setting.  But alas, for now, we're pet-less, farm-less and still working towards the dream... patience Michelle, patience. 

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