Welcome to Piecing Life Together...

First off I'd like to thank you for taking the time to visit this blog. I decided to start this blog as a way to work through all the changes and excitement that has been going on in my life, and hopefully connect with others who are interested in sharing their experiences with things like hiking, frugal living, simple living, disaster preparedness and self sufficiency. Sit down a spell, read a little, and enjoy a moment or two with us here... maybe you'll add a little piece of yourself to share with us in a comment. Blessings to you all.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Emergency kits for home and hiking...

Lately I've been working hard to make sure we have decent first aid kits for both home and for hiking.  All of the pre-made kits I've come across (except the majorly expensive first responders' type kits) have been rather lacking in a lot of ways (most are just collections of bandages a couple pill packets of pain relievers and some alcohol swabs) so I've decided to build up our own.

I've used the Red Cross and FEMA suggestions for their emergency preparedness kits for a lot of the basics and then added (or am planning to buy in the future) a few extras.  Anyhow, here's a list of what our home first aid kit will eventually hold.  Note that most items are purchased in boxes of individual use sizes in order to be easy to set aside hiking kits for the family as well as our home kit.  Our home kit will likely have some larger size items like Neosporin since storage and size aren't an issue at home.

1 First Aid quick reference (I'm still debating on which quick reference to use, but it's a definite most have)
Pepto Bismol tablets
hand sanitizer
antiseptic wipes
hydro cortisone cream
triple antibiotic ointment
saline solution/eye wash
antacid tablets
acetometophin (tylenol)
alcohol wipes
activated charcoal
Quik Clot
Burn Free kit
Sting Eeze

Hiking kit additions
Emergency Mylar blankets
Chlor-Floc US Military Water Purifications tablets
Storm proof matches
Sunscreen Wipes
hand sanitizer wipes
saline solution/eye wash (single use)
duct tape
ration bars (Datrex, Mainstay, or SOS)
Life Caps 
a small pocket knife
an LED flashlight

This is just a start really to making sure we have good first aid kits for home and hiking, and I'm sure there's several more things I'll decide to add in the near future.