Welcome to Piecing Life Together...

First off I'd like to thank you for taking the time to visit this blog. I decided to start this blog as a way to work through all the changes and excitement that has been going on in my life, and hopefully connect with others who are interested in sharing their experiences with things like hiking, frugal living, simple living, disaster preparedness and self sufficiency. Sit down a spell, read a little, and enjoy a moment or two with us here... maybe you'll add a little piece of yourself to share with us in a comment. Blessings to you all.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Struggling through... and finally seeing a little progress

Do you ever have days, weeks and months even, where it feels like you're not so much walking through your day as much as plodding through vast amounts of mud trying to reach your goals?  You know the days where you find yourself exhausted just thinking about your goals, let alone actually working toward them.  Over the last couple months I've been in the mud flats so to speak, struggling to keep the strength to keep moving forward on my goals... goals to make my life simpler, to get my debts paid and gone, to get my home more organized, and so on.  Thankfully despite having to drag myself through the mud of doubts and obstacles, I'm making progress.  In a month I will pay off my LAST credit card.  Completely paid and gone.  And trust me, I've no plans to ever bother with that scam again.  Over the last 10-15 years, I've come to the conclusion that the credit industry is one of the worst industries in our country.  Credit has become so easy to get, that hundreds of thousands of young people are starting their colleges careers with more and more debt.  College itself isn't cheap, and without credit, it's not accessible by the majority of American youth, but to add credit card debt with it's ridiculously high interest rates on top of college loans... well, it's no wonder our economy is having issues.

Anyhow, it was this realization (some ten years ago... oh has it really been that long), that got me to first set the goal of getting myself out of debt.  I, like the rest of the herd, started college and picked up a handful of easy to get credit cards.  Visa, Mastercard, Sears, Lane Bryant, Walmart, Value City, Dell... so many little pieces of plastic and that little tiny minimum payment... recipe for disaster 99% of the time.  Anyhow, since I first set on the goal of becoming debt free I've paid off around $15,000 in credit debt.  This next payment (which will include a large portion of my tax return, again) will pay off the last credit card I have.  It's been a slow process, filled with struggles between low student incomes, having grocery money, keeping up utilities and all the little and big disasters that make life "interesting".

So I'm happy to hit this milestone.  It leaves me with my car to pay off next... not too bad, a couple of retirement loans with wonderfully low interest rates, and my student loans... a mountain that has been chipped at as best I can while trying to get rid of the nastier high interest debts.  Here's to trudging forward through the mud, hoping for a few sections of easy effort from time to time, and eventually meeting my goals one at a time.

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